Proyectos patrocinados por la Dirección de Investigación
N° Proyecto | Título del Proyecto | Inv. Responsable | Coinvestigador | Periodo |
218.013.043-1.0 | Numerical solution of classical and quantum stochastic differential equations | Carlos Mora González | Mónica Selva Soto | 2018-2020 |
218.013.044-1.0 | Applications of mixed hybrid high order methods to linear and nonlinear steady problems in continuum mechanics | Rommel Bustinza Pariona | 2018-2020 | |
218.013.045-1.0IN | Geometric approach to quantum correlations and quantum measurements | Dominique Spehner | 2018-2020 | |
218.014.028-1.0 | Hierachical modeling in spatial-temporal processes: Estimation of time-varying parameters through kalmam filter algorithm | Guillermo Ferreira Cabezas | 2018-2020 | |
218.015.021-1.0 | Asymptotic models for corrugated thin shells | Rajesh Mahadevan | 2018-2020 | |
218.015.022-1.0 | Lógica Matemática y sus aplicaciones | Calos Martínez Ranero | 2018-2020 | |
219.011.062-INV | Thermodynamic Modeling of Mutual Solubility of Water/Ionic Liquid Mixtures | Claudio Faúndez Araya | Joaquín Díaz de Valdés Olavarrieta | 2019-2021 |
219.013.046-INV | The Mixed Hybrid Multiscale method: Extensions and Applications | Rodolfo Araya Durán | 2019-2021 | |
219.014.029-M | Conducta legislativa ante la reforma electoral: Análisis desde la multidisciplina | Sebastián Niklitschek Soto | 2019-2021 | |
219.015.023-INV | Numerical properties and geometric aspects of projective varieties and linear codes | Andrea Luigi Tironi | 2019-2021 | |
220.013.047-INV | Dunkl–Sobolev spaces, orthogonal polynomials and approximation | Leonardo Figueroa Candia | 2020-2022 | |
220.015.024-INV | Problemas de indecidibilidad en extensiones infinitas de campos globales | Carlos Martínez Ranero | 2020-2022 | |
2020.141.024-M | Agenda socioambiental de investigación para el Antropoceno: prioridades, vacíos y desafíos | Juan Cristóbal Pizarro | Martín Jacques Coper | 2020-2022 |
LCT | LCT Telescopio | Rodrigo Reeves Díaz | 2019-2020 |
Proyectos Fondecyt
N° Proyecto | Título del Proyecto | Inv. Responsable | Periodo |
11170268 | Deuteration chemistry: a tool to determine timescales during star formation | Stefano Bovino | 2017-2020 |
11170486 | Heat waves in Central Chile and their predictability: our possible tropical connection? | Martin Jacques Coper | 2017-2020 |
11170529 | Multivariate geostatistical simulation and its applications to mineral resource evaluation | Daisy Arroyo Fernández | 2017-2020 |
11180005 | The dynamical origins of black hole binary mergers | Nathan William Leigh | 2018-2021 |
11180451 | A posteriori analysis of various electromagnetic problems | Ivana Šebestová | 2018-2021 |
11180551 | Asymptotic analysis in a locally periodic oscillating boundary domain | Ravi Prakash | 2018-2021 |
11180837 | Dynamic scaling study of the formation of perovskite solar cells | Noelia Benito Gómez | 2018-2021 |
11180854 | Source characterization for historical tsunamis of central-southern Chile | María Ignacia Calisto Burgos | 2018-2021 |
11180947 | Turbulence dissipation between macroscopic and kinetic scales in astrophysical plasmas | Roberto Navarro Maldonado | 2018-2021 |
11200192 | Creating the building blocks of a quantum network based on atom-light interactions near optical nanofiber waveguides | Pablo Solano Palma | 2020-2023 |
N° Proyecto | Título del Proyecto | Inv. Responsable | Coinvestigador | Periodo |
1160320 | Numerical methods for interface problems in continuous mechanics and solar energy devices | Manuel Solano Palma | 2016-2020 | |
1160400 | Fiber-based high-dimensional quantum comunication | Gustavo Moreira Lima | 2016-2020 | |
1160578 | Circumventing the inf-sup condition via stabilisation techniques: A priori and a posteriori error analyses | Rommel Bustinza Pariona | 2016-2020 | |
1160897 | Geometry of Calabi-Yau and ihs manifolds: mirror constructions and linear systems | Michela Artebani | 2016-2020 | |
1161247 | The formation of the first metal poor stars in the Universe | Dominik Schleicher | 2016-2020 | |
1161356 | Equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes in space plasmas and the solar-wind-magnetosprere-ionosphere interactions | Marina Stepanova | Alberto Foppiano Bachmann, Elías Ovalle Miranda | 2016-2020 |
1161631 | Quantum correlations and information processing | Luis Roa Oppliger | 2016-2020 | |
1161700 | Kinetic-Scale Plasma Turbulence in Collisionless Plasmas: Wave-Mode Structure, Fluctuations and Dissipation Mechanisms | Jaime Araneda Sepúlveda | 2016-2020 | |
1170279 | Aspects of hairy black hole stability | Andrés Anabalon Dupuy | Julio Oliva Zapata | 2017-2021 |
1170315 | Logical interpretability and connections with number theory | Xavier Vidaux | 2017-2021 | |
1170473 | Modelling, numerical analysis and scientific computing for convection-diffusion-reaction equations and coupled flow-transport problems | Raimund Bürger | 2017-2021 | |
1170518 | Tracing the formation of the milky way and nearby dwarf galaxies using globular clusters | Sandro Villanova | B. Tang, Douglas Geisler | 2017-2021 |
1171013 | Coupled optical tweezers for high resolution sensing video microscopy of localized phenomena in single proteins | Carlos Saavedra Rubilar | 2017-2021 | |
1171506 | The physics of black holes down to schwarzschild radius scales: masses, accretion and outflows, and tests of general relativity | Neil Nagar | 2017-2021 | |
1180291 | Small Stellar Systems-From Dwarf Spheroidals to Dwarf Disc Galaxies& from Faint Fuzzies to Compact Ellipticals | Michael Fellhauer | 2018-2022 | |
1180350 | From High Mass Clouds to High Mass Stars: Testing the New Slingshot Paradigm | Amelia Stutz | Michael Fellhauer | 2018-2022 |
1180558 | Optimization on the field of complex numbers and applications to Quantum information theory | Aldo Delgado Hidalgo | Sebastián Niklitschek Soto | 2018-2022 |
1180681 | (Super)gravity and gauged WZW models in higher gauge theory | Patricio Salgado Arias | Fernando Izaurieta Aranda | 2018-2022 |
1180868 | Stability analysis of numerical method for damped dispersive equations | Mauricio Sepúlveda Cortés | 2018-2022 | |
1181047 | Black holes and gravitational solitons: stability, holography and beyond | Julio Oliva Zapata | 2018-2022 | |
1181155 | A near-surface wind field climatology for Marine Energy assessment in Western Patagonia | C. Mattar | Héctor Sepúlveda Allende | 2018-2022 |
1181316 | From mathematical programming to calculus of variations without standard convexity | Fabián Flores Bazán | 2018-2021 | |
1181479 | Investigating the feedback between megathrust earthquakes and continental plate faulting: consequences for seismic hazard in metropolitan Chile interact | Marcos Moreno Switt | 2018-2021 | |
1181572 | New developments in Multiscale Hybrid-Mixed nite element methods | Diego Paredes Concha | 2018-2022 | |
1181620 | Enabling mm and sub-mm MMIC technology for scientific and innovative purposes | Rodrigo Reeves Díaz | 2018-2022 | |
1181872 | The impact of mesoescale eddies in the dynamics of the southern tip of the oxygen minimum zone off Chile | Oscar Pizarro Arriagada | 2018-2021 | |
1181957 | Orthogonal Polynomials and Fast Spectral Methods in Special Geometries | Leonardo Figueroa Candia | 2018-2020 | |
1190134 | Geometric approach to quantum correlations and quantum measurements | Dominique Spehner | 2019-2023 | |
1190255 | Dynamics and invariant properties of subordinated solutions to nonlocal evolutionary problems | Vicente Vergara Aguilar | 2019-2023 | |
1190276 | Non-linear response of the South Eastern Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone to ENSO | Boris Dewite | Oscar Pizarro Arriagada | 2019-2022 |
1190489 | Nuclear studies in the framework of interarcting boson model | José Barea Muñoz | 2019-2023 | |
1190621 | A study of the stellar dynamo in close binaries | Ronald Mennickent Cid | Dominik Schleicher | 2019-2023 |
1190777 | Cox rings and T-varieties | Antonio Laface | 2019-2023 | |
1190901 | Exploiting multicore fibers and quantum entanglement for high-dimensional device-independent quantum information processing | Esteban Sepúlveda Gómez | 2019-2023 | |
1191351 | Kinetic instabilities and waveparticle interactions in non maxwellian plasmas. Linear, quasi-linear, and nonlinear análisis | Pablo Moya Fuentes | Roberto Navarro Maldonado | 2019-2023 |
1191606 | Role of meso to submesoscale oceanic circulation on island connectivity: a coupled biophysical-genetic modelling perspective | Carolina Parada Véliz | 2019-2022 | |
1200022 | Some non-perturbative aspects of field theory: diBaryons, spin-from-isospin and resurgence | Fabrizio Cánfora T. | Julio Oliva Zapata | 2020-2024 |
1200051 | Error estimates for new computer methods in continuum mechanics | Tomás Patricio Barrios Faúndez | Rommel Bustinza Pariona | 2020-2024 |
1200266 | Multi-photon interference in multi-core optical fiber devices and applications in quantum computation and metrology | Stephen Patrick Walborn | 2020-2024 | |
1200293 | Self gravitating Skyrme fields: exact solutions and their physical interpretation | Alex Giacomini B. | Julio Oliva Zapata | 2020-2024 |
1200306 | Evolución costera y factores de cambio en Chile: criterios para la adaptación y resiliencia de la zona costera | Carolina Martínez Reyes | Marcos Moreno Swift, Arturo Belmonte-Pool Villanueva | 2020-2024 |
1200569 | Discontinuous galerkin methods: theory and application to alternative energies simulations | Manuel Solano Palma | 2020-2024 | |
1200859 | Experimental High-Dimensional quantum information with Space-Division multiplexing optical fiber technology | Gustavo Moreira Lima | 2020-2024 | |
1201280 | Eclipsing time variations in post-common-envelope binaries: planetary hypothesis vs. magnetic activity | Dominik Schleicher | Ronald Mennickent Cid, Nathan William Leigh | 2020-2024 |
1201742 | Regional changes in precipitation regime over subtropical chile in a warming climate | Katerina Goubanova | Aldo Montecinos Gula | 2020-2023 |
N° Proyecto | Título del Proyecto | Inv. Responsable | Inv. Patrocinante | Periodo |
3170139 | Anthropogenic influence on the change of the subtropical gyre circulation in the south Pacific in the 20th and 21 st century | Frauke Albrecht | Oscar Pizarro Arriagada | 2017-2020 |
3170307 | Device independent dimensional witness and quantumness indicator for high-dimensional systems | Johanna Figueroa | Aldo Delgado Hidalgo | 2017-2020 |
3170359 | Unraveling the origin of anomalous stellar populations in star clusters | Tjarda Boekhold | Michel Fellhauer | 2017-2020 |
3170400 | Experimental advances in quantum state discrimination and quatum state tomography | Miguel Solis Prosser | Gustavo Moreira Lima | 2017-2020 |
3170596 | Criptografía cuántica experimental entre múltiples usuarios a través de una red de fibra óptica sin repetidores | Jaime Cariñe | Gustavo Moreira Lima | 2017-2020 |
3170703 | Improving the accuracy of selected distance indicators | M. Gorski Szymon | Wolfgang Gieren | 2017-2020 |
3170774 | Star formation in the early universe: observational approch with the SPHerIC sample | M. Clement | Ricardo Demarco López | 2017-2020 |
3180063 | Caracterización de variaciones en velocidad radial con origen estelar: superando las limitaciones que la actividad magnética produce en espectros de estrellas de tipo GKM | Nicola Astudillo Defru | Ronald Mennickent Cid | 2018-2021 |
3180210 | Radiscovering our galaxy through the new generation of dynamics models: Entering into gaia and APOGEE-2S Era | José Fernández-Trincado | Douglas Geisler | 2018-2021 |
3180742 | Perburbaciones ionosféricas presísmicas y cosísmicas | Manuel Bravo Sepúlveda | Elías Ovalle Miranda | 2018-2021 |
3180752 | Environmental effects on propagation of high-dimensional entangled states of light over multicore optical fibers | Santiago Rojas Rojas | Gustavo Moreira Lima | 2018-2021 |
3190161 | From dense cores to high-mass star formation: observations confront theories | Hongli Liu | Amelia Stutz | 2019-2022 |
3190344 | Binary formation and episodic accretion as a function of gas cooling and metallicity | Rafeel Riaz | Dominik Schleicher | 2019-2022 |
3190366 | Probing the accretion physics of nearby low-luminosity AGN with the event horizon telescope | Bidisha Bandyopadhyay | Dominik Schleicher | 2019-2022 |
3190795 | Developing stable and highly efficient perovskite solar cell | Qamar Wali | Paulraj Manidurai | 2019-2022 |
3190878 | Delineating the physics of supermassive black holes using high angular resolution interferometry | Venkatessh Ramakrishnan | Neil Nagar | 2019-2022 |
3200779 | Experimental device independent certification of quantum measurements in higher dimensions using multi-arm interferometers | Daniel Martínez Arias | Esteban Sepúlveda Gómez | 2020-2023 |
3200820 | Manipulación de estados cuánticos en altas dimensiones para la generación y certificación en tiempo real de aleatoriedad | Pablo González Guadalupe | Esteban Sepúlveda Gómez | 2020-2023 |
3200841 | Effects of high-energy activities on the chemistry of molecular gas in the Galactic center | Gao-Yuan Zhang | Stefano Bovino | 2020-2023 |
Otros Proyectos Patrocinados por ANID
N° Proyecto | Título del Proyecto | Programa | Inv. Responsable/ Asociado | Periodo |
11150009 | Centro de Ciencia del Clima y Resiliencia (CR)2” | Fondo de Financiamiento de Centros de Investigación en Áreas Prioritarias (FONDAP) | Martín Jacques Coper (línea Zona Costera) | 2018-2022 |
15130015 | Centro de Recursos Hidricos para la Agricultura y la Minería (CRHIAM) | Fondo de Financiamiento de Centros de Investigación en Áreas Prioritarias (FONDAP) | Raimund Bürger | 2013-2022 |
170001 | First Computational Astrochemistry Laboratory Using the Largest Shared Memory Computer in Chile | Fondo QUIMAL-2017 | Dominik Schleicher | 2018-2020 |
31180014 | First Stars VI Conference in Concepción | Fondo ALMA-2018 | Dominik Schleicher | 2018-2020 |
31180051 | Structure and Dynamic of Galaxies across the Electromagnetic Spectrum | Fondo ALMA 2018 | Pierluigi Cerulo | 2019-2021 |
ACT172033 | Formation and growth of supermassive black holes | PIA- Anillos de Investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología | Dominik Schleicher | 2017-2020 |
ACT172169 | Toward understanding transient-to-precursory earthquake deformation in Chile | PIA- Anillos de Investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología | Marcos Moreno Switt | 2020-2021 |
AFB170001 | Centro de Modelamiento Matemático | Programa de Financiamiento BASAL para Centros Cientificos y Tecnologicos de Excelencia | Gabriel N. Gatica /Julio Aracena Lucero, Rodolfo Araya Durán, Fernando Betancourt, Raimund Bürger, Jessika Camaño, Fabián Flores Bazán, Luis Gatica, David Mora, Ricardo Oyarzúa, Rodolfo Rodríguez Alonso, Mauricio Sepúlveda Cortés, Manuel Solano Palma, Luis M. Villada. | 2013-2021 |
AFB-170002 | Centro de Excelencia en Astrofisica y Tecnologias Afines | Programa de Financiamiento BASAL para Centros Cientificos y Tecnologicos de Excelencia | María Teresa Ruiz González/Douglas Geisler (Investigador Principal del area Stellar Populations in the Local Universe, y Representante responsable de la participacion de la Universidad de Concepcion); Wolfgang Gieren (Investigador Principal del area the ExtraGalactic Distance Scale) | 2018-2021 |
C19E02 | Symbolic Dynamical Systems a dialog between finite and infinite | ECOS-CONICYT | Julio Aracena Lucero | 2020-2023 |
IC120019 | Instituto Milenio de Oceanografía | Iniciativa Científica Milenio | Oscar Pizarro Arriagada/Carolina Parada Véliz, Aldo Montecinos Gula, Víctor Villagrán Orellana | 2014-2023 |
IC2018-001 | Instituto Milenio de Investigación en Óptica | Iniciativa Científica Milenio | Aldo Delgado Hidalgo | 2018-2027 |
ID19I10233 | Desarrollo de un sistema optoelectrónico para detección y cuantificación de adulteraciones en miel producto de diluciones de jarabes endulzantes y su correcta determinación del origen botánico | Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDEF) | Juan Pablo Staforelli Vivanco | 2019-2021 |
ID19I10300 | Desarrollo de prototipos de radiómetros de pseudo-correlación para sistemas ultra-sensitivos | Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDEF) | Rodrigo Reeves Díaz | 2020-2021 |
NC160025 | Millennium Nucleus CYCLO: The Seismic Cycle along Subduction Zones | Iniciativa Científica Milenio | Daniel Melnick/Ignacia Calisto Burgos | 2017-2020 |
NCN19_058 | Núcleo Milenio en Tecnologia e Investigación Transversal para explorar Agujeros Negros Supermasivos (TITANS) | Neil Mark Nagar, Domink Scheleicher, Stefano Bovino/Rodrigo Reeves Díaz, Rodrigo Herrera Camus, Nathan William Leigh | 2020-2023 | |
PAI79160083 | Fortalecimiento de la investigación experimental para desarrollar comunicaciones seguras en Chile basadas en criptografía cuántica | Subvención a la Instalación en la Academia | Esteban Sepúlveda Gómez | 2017-2020 |
PAI79160084 | Fortalecimiento del área de Estadística Espacial del Departamento de Estadística de la Universdidad de Concepción | Subvención a la Instalación en la Academia | Daisy Arroyo Fernández | 2017-2020 |
PAI79160105 | Inserción de Capital Humando Avanzando en Meteorología y Clima | Subvención a la Instalación en la Academia | Martín Jacques Coper | 2017-2020 |
PAI79170079 | Síntesis de nanopatículas metálicas mediante métodos físicos y biológicos | Subvención a la Instalación en la Academia | Noelia Benito Gómez | 2018-2020 |
PAI79170095 | Disipación de turbulencia en plasma astrofísicos: Conexión entre fluctuaciones macroscópicas y microscópicas | Subvención a la Instalación en la Academia | Roberto Navarro Maldonado | 2018-2020 |
PAI77190033 | Nanofotónica cuántica: Interconectando átomos y luz | Subvención a la Instalación en la Academia | Pablo Solano Palma | 2019-2022 |
Proyectos Patrocinados por otras Agencias Nacionales
N° Proyecto | Título del Proyecto | Fuente de financiamiento | Inv. Responsable/Asociado | Periodo |
15PTEC-45862 | Programa tecnológico complementario a PDACH cultivo de corvina (cilus gilberti): cierre de brechas identificadas en fase de preengorde y engorde | CORFO | Roberto Riquelme Sepúlveda | 2015-2021 |
20CEIN2-142131 | Implementación del plan estratégico de ciencia e innovación para el 2030 de la Universidad de Concepción | CORFO | Roberto Riquelme Sepúlveda | 2020-2030 |
20185455 | Programa de Fomento del Capital Humano Avanzado para el Desarrollo Económico Regional fundado en Consiliencia Científica destinado a Profesores de Educación Media Técnico Profesional | Fondo De Innovación Para La Competitividad -Región Del Bio Bio | Cecilia Maldonado Elevancini/Luisa Rivas Calabrán | 2018-2021 |
RT_05_18 | Temporal dynamics of nitrous oxide and methane in an embayment of the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP): from daily to inter-annual variability | Instituto Antártico Chileno | Laura Farías/Martín Jacques Coper | 2019-2021 |
10CEII-9157 | CIRIC: Communication and Information Research and Innovation Center | INNOVA CORFO | Claude Puech/Carlos Mora González | 2012-2022 |
UCO1808 | Laboratorio de Innovación Educativa basada en Investigación para el fortalecimiento de los aprendizajes de ciencias básicas en la Universidad de Concepción | Fondo Innovación en Educación Superior, Ministerio de Educación | Alejandra Maldonado Trapp | 2019-2021 |
Proyectos Patrocinados por Agencias Internacionales
N° Proyecto | Título del Proyecto | Fuente de financiamiento | Inv. Responsable/Asociado | Periodo |
1440254 | The Event Horizon Telescope Experiment | NSF-Major Research Instrumentacion | Sheperd Doeleman/Neil Nagar | 2015-2020 |
695099 | A sub-percent distance scale from binaries and Cepheids (CepBin) | European Research Council, Horizon 2020 | Wolfgang Gieren | 2016-2020 |
AST-1715662 | The Open Cluster Chemical Analysis and Mapping (OCCAM) Survey | NSF National Science foundation – AST Division of Astronomical Sciences | Peter Frinchaboy/Douglas Geisler | 2017-2021 |
E-26/202.790/2017 | Informação Quântica Experimental com Fótons | FAPERJ – Programa Cientista do Nosso Estado 2017 | Stephen Patrick Walborn | 2018-2021 |
N62909-16-1-2228 | Impact of Preferred Eddy Tracks on Tracers in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems of the Pacific Ocean | Office of Naval Research (ONR) Global, US Navy | Ali Bel Madani | 2018-2020 |
ORP061/19 | Development of MMIC technology and its integration into radio-astronomy receiver systems | Comité Mixto ESO-Chile 2019 | Rodrigo Reeves Díaz | 2020-2022 |
PICT-2018-03017 | Análisis Numérico de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Ecuaciones No Locales | Raices-FONCyT (Fondo para la Investigación Cientı́fica y Tecnológica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) | Gabriel Acosta/Rodolfo Rodríguez Alonso | 2020-2023 |